⚙️Infrastructure Overview
Documents are a work in progress and not yet complete technical documentation. They are proprietary and confidential.
Infrastructure Overview
IntentX collaborates with SYMM IO in technical infrastructure for executing peer-to-peer (p2p) symmetrical trades and LayerZero to provide omnichain interoperability.
This means all user and solver actions on-chain are executed through SYMM IO smart contracts, routed through LayerZero's trustless protocol and managed though IntentX complete solution, providing the necessary off-chain communication and coordination of traders and solvers.
These documents are preliminary and produced with the collaboration of SYMM IO to inform readers on the technical operation of IntentX and are not fully complete at this time.
IntentX currently utilizes SYMMIO-Core v0.8 contracts which have undergone a full Sherlock Audit:
🔩Technical Docs🌐Sample Solver DocsLast updated